November 22, 2010

Attitude est le 1er energy Drink 100% Naturel et Sain

L’énergie d’Attitude energy drink provient de ressources naturelles : le Yerba Mate, le Rhodiola Rosea ainsi que la L-Carnitine. Le Yerba Mate est une plante d’Amérique du sud similaire au thé vert. Contenant 10 fois plus d’antioxydants que le thé vert, le Yerba Mate est reconnu pour ses vertus énergisantes et des scientifiques ont montré qu’il pouvait contribuer à la perte de poids.Attitude energy drink contient de la Rhodolia Rosea qui lutte contre le stress, la fatigue et aide à l’amélioration des performances physiques.LaL-Carnitine joue un rôle essentiel dans le corps pour produire de l’énergie à partir des lipides, apporter de l’énergie au cœur et aux cellules immunitaires. Elle améliore l’endurance sportive, favorise la récupération après l’exercice physique et prévient la fatigue précoce.Attitude energy drink convient à la consommation des personnes souffrant de diabète. Cet energy drink contient uniquement du sucre issu de fruits réels à faible taux glycémique. Le sucre est extrait naturellement sans procédé chimique, additifs ou autres traitements enzymatiques.


Un bonnet avec une barbe et une moustache fait à la main.
Le bonnet est déclinable dans plusieurs coloris et pour la barbe il y a le choix entre chocolat noir, gris, brun, brun et beige.
Ce bonnet est une pièce conçue pour s’adapter comme un masque de ski.


Si vous êtes sujet aux passages à vides et autres séances de « comatages » improvisés, vous savez probablement à quel point il est difficile de s’extirper de ces moments de solitudes où l’activité cérébrale avoisine celle d’un plancton. Avec le stress, une alimentation pas toujours saine, la fatigue ou encore la pollution ambiante, ces coups de barres ont tendances à se multiplier…
La GOX est probablement le meilleur remède à ces états végétatifs.Elle contient en effet de l’oxygène pur à 99,5 %.

L’effet est immédiat, la pureté de l’oxygène agit comme un souffle d’air frais sur les neurones qui s’activent presque automatiquement.

The GO Plate

Just visit website :

Footballer lives in a designer store

(Reuters Life!) - Soccer players may be known for their extravagant homes, but Italian footballer Andrea Vasa has trumped his peers by living in a somewhat unusual location -- a designer store.

Since late February, 30-year-old Vasa, a defender for Milan's Brera team, has slept, washed, dressed and chilled out at the flagship store of Belgian menswear designer Dirk Bikkembergs in the city's exclusive Golden Quad area.

His surroundings include a ground-floor leather sofa and TV area, a bedroom, gym and large bathroom plastered with pages of Italy's "Gazzetta dello Sport" paper -- all spread out in the store and easily seen by shoppers. A small kitchen is there too.

Huge windows look out onto the busy square outside, and a soccer shoe-shaped entry phone adds the "home" touch. Personal pictures and some books adorn the shelves where clothes from the Bikkembergs main line are exposed.

"Clients go in as if it were my own wardrobe," Vasa, originally from Sardinia, said while walking around the store.

"Before I used to live in a one-room apartment -- there is just no comparison. It was 40 square meters (431 sq ft), here the bathroom is that size." Bikkembergs has said the store was designed for and inspired by the lifestyle of "passionate sportsmen."

The shop, spread over three floors, sells the Bikkembergs menswear collections as well as travel bags, sunglasses and sport shoes. The top two floors double up as Vasa's home with a spot for his car, a white Porsche.

Shoppers walk around as Vasa sits on the sofa watching TV or playing video games and on some occasions, they have walked in the bedroom while he was still in bed.

"Some people don't believe it, others are surprised or they don't expect it," he said.

"Some have even asked if they can live here too."

Despite the luxury surroundings, there are some limitations. The shower can be seen, so washing needs to be done carefully.

"Someone who is more extrovert would shower or do it in swimming trunks," Vasa said, adding that he also hides his shampoo and shower gels, leaving only his toothbrush and toothpaste exposed.

"Some people would actually open the bottles to check whether they were real," he said.

The store is open from 10:30 a.m. (0830 GMT) to 19:30 p.m. (1730 GMT), meaning privacy starts in the evening. A guard is on watch during the night.

Vasa, who had modeled for Bikkembergs before moving in, said he was shortlisted for the project after volunteering with others. The location and the car were definitely a draw.

Customizable Flavor Beverage Bottle

PMMI, sponsor and producer of PACK EXPO International 2010 (October 31–November 3; McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.), recently named us finalists among 10 package designers and developers in the “Package of the Future” competition, a key component of Project 2020: The Consumer Experience, sponsored by DuPont. The competition challenged the package design community to come up with a vision of what consumers can expect to see on retail shelves in 2020, and prototypes of the finalists’ concepts will be on display as part of the Project 2020: The Consumer Experience area of The Brand Zone, located on the lower level of the Lakeside building.

Our Customizable Flavor Beverage Bottle utilizes dissolvable pellet capsules molded into the neck of bio-plastic bottles with a liquid base

(i.e. water, soda, iced tea, milk) to allow consumers to customize and control flavor variety, flavor intensity, and vitamin additives. Consumers simply snap the pellet they want

through the film on the inside of the bottle, where the pellet begins to dissolve. A simple shake of the beverage thoroughly mixes flavor. With this approach, the potential exists

for multiple flavors under a single SKU and a single bottle could be used for multiple servings before it is recycled.

And the new Barbie is...

Barbie Geek !!!

This is the 125th Barbie's job (how competent she is, isn't she ?!)

What is interesting is that her new "profession" has been decided by more than 500 000 internautes on Facebook and Twitter...and surprisingly enough the Geek has been chosen among others like surgeon, architect, etc...

This is becoming more and more used by marketing departments to launch products: it creates some buzz with a rather cheap promotionnal campaign and it guarantees a minimum of success !

Some unexpected poetry

Among the uggliest daily objects, there are the bike padlocks.
OK it's supposed to be efficient more than pretty but Italian designer Sono Mocci has created a padlock that combines Primary functionnality (preventing your bike from beeing stealen !) and design.

November 1, 2010

Creative topping for yogourt

Recreasun- manufactured by Sojasun (a soya based products company )– has launched a « creative topping containing flavored crunchy powder».
It is packed in a stick (9-11 g) pourable in a plain yogourt bringing flavors and crunchy texture.

Now, the consumers can create themselves their own deserts among 5 delicious flavors: almonds/cherries, biscuits/citrus fruits, almond/cocoa, apples/spicy bread, nougat/apricot and pineapple/coconut..... mmmmmh! Taste it!