April 28, 2011

Food, recession and savings: the future of food is freeze dried

Tamara Huffman is a Virginia Mom who devotes half of her laundry room to storing freeze-dried food. She says whatever she can stock away at today’s prices will help her save money when tomorrow’s prices go up. Plus, she says she gets peace of mind knowing she can keep feeding her family, even if her husband loses his job sometime between now and the year 2036. Until recently, experts say the only reason people stockpiled food was to survive a major disaster. Now, most people are stockpiling to survive rising food costs.

North Americans are saving an average of three times more than they were before the recession: Food manufacturers are reporting a jump in sales for boxed cheese powder, canned ham, frozen meats, and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. This winter, Costco stores offered a one-year supply of dehydrated and freeze-dried food that sold out almost instantly!

Even as the economy improves, families are unlikely to shake the savings habits they adopted during the recession. That’s why coupon-clipping will stay hot, and why people will keep switching from name brand to generic products to save money.

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