Take your best guess, then go read the answer on mba-world.org!
A pop corn of discoveries of a team developing their right brain ! Discoveries over Communication, Adds, Sustainability, Management, etc...
PREZI, the amazing alternative to PowerPoint presentation was born in Budapest in 2009.
Adam Somlai-Fischer and Peter Halacsy started working on Prezi in 2007, as they felt slides limited their ability to develop and explain ideas. Prezi was their response to solve these issues. Prezi officially launched in April 2009 from Budapest - the home town of Peter and Adam. Sunstone Capital and TED Conferences invested in Prezi in July 2009, and the San Francisco office was opened in November 2009.
"At Prezi, we prefer not to follow trends. Instead, we learn about culture and respond with technology. We believe in humanity’s desire for creativity and self-expression."