July 12, 2010

Microfinance companies on the Stock Exchange

NYSE Euronext et Microfis créent un segment de marché pour la finance responsable :

NYSE Euronext et Microfis ont annoncé leur intention de créer au quatrième trimestre 2010 un marché organisé pour la cotation et la négociation d' obligations ayant comme sous-jacents des créances sur des institutions de microfinance internationales ou sur des entités solidaires, au sens de la loi LME.

Il existait fin 2009 environ 1 milliard d'euros d'encours dans les fonds d'épargne salariale solidaires, mais que seulement 5 % de ce montant étaient effectivement investis.

Article complet : http://www.boursorama.com/opcvm/detail-actualite-opcvm.phtml?num=69dd3a0a343554f68db90b95aba2af41

July 5, 2010

The decline of Facebook ?

It won't happen overnight, but there seem to be a slihtly decline in Facebook popularity among teenagers.

That appeared in a recent Teens and Social Network study.

Acoording to that study, around one in five teens (19%) that have a Facebook account have either abandoned it or are using it less, found Roiworld.

The reasons pointed out by the study are:
- 45% have lost interest
- 16% are leaving because their parents have joined
- 14% think "too many adults/older people" now use the social network
- 13% are concerned about their personal
But despite, those first signs of decline, it remains the first social network used by teens with 69% who have an active profile. YouTube ranks second with 64% of teens claiming to have an active account. MySpace comes in third (41%) and Twitter fourth (20%).
Details of the study: