February 22, 2010

Upside down !

An example of how GAP is trying to attract more consumers by these kinds of happenings.
And it works !

Not sure that could be done in a Porcelain Shop !!

Switch it off

Live Green Toronto, Toronto's website for eco-friednly living, launched a new transit shelter advertising campaign with a unique twist: passersby can flip a giant switch that turns the ad on or off. The ad’s text encourages readers to "switch this poster off," and to switch on Live Green’s website for information about saving energy and living green.

A smart campaign, and a creative way to spread environmental awareness.

Leave aside your marks !

That's somehow the message sent by HSBC trough its ads.
Some fresh air in a domain that is not usually associated to openness !

It reminds me a little bit of some of the Paintings of the Belgian painter, Magritte who invites us to forget the association between the word and the image

An alternative to Recycling

A company that proposes to use and transform your garbage.
What if your chips bags became purses !!
